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Can FASD be healed

FASDs last a lifetime, there is no cure for FASDs. 


But research shows that early intervention treatment services can improve a child’s development. There are many types of treatment options, including medication to help with some symptoms, behavior and education therapy, parent training, and other alternative approaches. No one treatment is right for every child. Good treatment plans will include close monitoring, follow-ups, and changes as needed along the way.


Also, “protective factors” can help reduce the effects of FASDs and help people with these conditions reach their full potential.

Protective factors include:

  • Diagnosis before 6 years of age

  • Loving, nurturing, and stable home environment during the school years

  • Absence of violence

  • Involvement in special education and social services

People with physical limitations need a support network. This can be very taxing on those that help. It can be very isolating at times, but your not realy alone! There are many people out there that like you, could do with sharing what they are going through in a non-judgemental enviroment. Supporting each other with advice and just listening when you need to vent emotions.


Our support group is exactly for that! FASD may not be reversable, it can't be healed. But we can all do our best to ensure we all have the life we deserve. "The best we can do"!


I encourage everyone to look at our contact section, find out who can help you best!

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